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Is No Code Movement Dead?

No Code
Domantas Alosevičius

The No Code movement was at its peak about 3 years ago. Everyone said it was the future of software development. Is it still the case or will it become a thing of the past?

Is No Code movement dead?

What is the No Code movement?

The No Code movement is about making software development accessible to everyone, regardless of coding experience. Individuals without programming skills can now build apps and websites, thanks to No Code platforms, and massively reducing the time it takes to build custom software for individuals and companies.

It focuses on platforms and tools like Bubble that allow you to build apps and websites without writing a single line of code.

This movement was a big thing a few years ago, but it feels like no one is talking about it anymore.

Low Code and No Code development pros and cons

Low Code and No Code development pros and cons


  • Speed: No code platforms allow for fast development due to pre-built components and drag-and-drop functionality. The use of no code tools further enhances this speed and efficiency, enabling non-coders and newbie developers to rapidly prototype and launch applications with super low production costs and supreme autonomy.
  • Easy maintenance: Updating and maintaining no code applications is often simpler than traditionally coded apps. Changes can be made visually, without needing to touch code.
  • Variety of choices: There’s a wide range of no code platforms available, each with different needs and features. This allows you to find a platform that best suits your specific project requirements. The inclusion of graphical user interfaces in many no code platforms simplifies the creation process, offering drag-and-drop functionality that allows users to build without learning programming languages.


  • Limited customization: No code platforms may not offer the same level of customization as traditional coding. The functionality may be restricted to what the platform offers.
  • Learning curve: While there’s no coding involved, there’s still a learning curve associated with understanding the specific no code platform and its functionalities.
  • Integration challenges: Integrating no code apps with existing systems can be complex, depending on the platform and the desired level of integration.

What Happened to the no code movement?

What Happened to the no code movement?

Well, nothing happened to no code and no code platforms themselves, they are still going strong and there is some older research that shows they will continue to grow in the future.

What has happened is artificial intelligence and large language models. With the amount of AI tools and every company trying to implement it AI has overshadowed the no code movement.

AI and LLMs

AI and LLMs

The last few years have been the biggest years for AI and LLMS. ChatGPT is currently at the top of all of them and is not looking to go anywhere.

If you just go online for a few minutes every day for the next week, you will see that almost every day there are news about new artificial developments or new AI tools. All the biggest companies are either implementing AI or trying to build their own custom AI software.

So it is not a surprise that the no code movement has been overshadowed by the AI industry. It is one of the biggest industries right now. The market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28.46%, resulting in a market volume of $826.70 billion by 2030. Globally, the United States will have the largest market size ($50.16 billion in 2024).

Since the market is so huge and does not want to stop, a lot of AI tools have been created like Builder AI or Umso that can create a web app or a mobile app in just a few seconds. Of course, these tools have very limited customization, but today AI is much more appealing to people than no code because it sounds faster and better.



People have seen AI do interesting things. Why do I need web or software developers when tools can do it for me?

This is a digital transformation. It has affected many people’s jobs and industries. Especially recently, people are trying to automate much of their work. About 10 or 15 years back, automation for office work, like accounting, was very expensive. Only the largest companies could afford it.

Now we see tools like Zapier and Make that can automate workflows in minutes. And, that is just the tip of the iceberg.

95% of IT and engineering leaders say their organizations are prioritizing workflow automation and you can expect other professions to make a similar shift soon. 

So is no code movement dead?

So is no code movement dead?

No, it’s not and will be alive for a long time. It’s unlikely to completely replace traditional coding or AI tools, but it will be a valuable option for many projects.

Why the no code movement will never be dead

Here’s why the no-code movement is likely here to stay:

  • Lower the barrier to entry: No code platforms allow anyone with an idea to turn it into a working application. By reducing the need for coding knowledge and coding languages, these platforms make web development accessible to a broader audience, democratizing the creation of websites and applications.
  • Speed and efficiency: Time to market is critical. No-code development allows for rapid prototyping and deployment.
  • Constant evolution: No code platforms are constantly evolving. They offer more features, flexibility, and customization options.
  • Evolving with AI Integration: No code platforms are increasingly incorporating AI functionalities. This allows for smarter automation, data analysis, and even the ability to suggest design elements or functionalities based on user intent.

Final thoughts

For all the no code enthusiasts, you have to face the fact that the no code movement is not going to be the next big thing. Many people compare the recent developments in AI to the Industrial Revolution and how it drastically improved productivity.

Final thoughts

But rest assured, no code will still be a big part of many people’s lives. In my opinion, most of the people who will take advantage of no code will be no code companies that provide custom software for companies or other people.

People will still be looking for ways to speed things up, and no code is just one of those things that can bring ideas to life much faster than traditional programming.


Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas is a content manager and author passionate about creating quality content. He has a background in marketing, communications, and customer service and is skilled at using various AI and No Code tools. Domantas likes checking out new tools and putting them to work in his free time.


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