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Flutterflow vs Flutter: Which Is Better For App Development?

Domantas Alosevičius

Both Flutter and FlutterFlow are great tools for mobile app development and have very similar names, but they are designed for different needs. But which is better for app development?

Flutter vs Flutterflow

Flutter vs Flutterflow is a hot topic. Flutter is known for its coding strength. Flutterflow offers a visual approach. This article will help you understand their differences and decide which is better for your project.

What is Flutterflow?

Flutterflow Interface

FlutterFlow is a visual app builder that allows users to create beautiful user interfaces, generate clean code, and deploy applications to app stores or the web with a single click. It is designed to be fully extensible with custom code, making it suitable for both beginner and professional developers.

What is Flutter?

Flutter Logo

Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google for building natively compiled applications for multiple platforms from a single codebase. It allows developers to create beautiful, high-performance applications for mobile (iOS and Android), web, desktop, and embedded devices.

Flutterflow vs Flutter Features

Here’s a breakdown between Flutter and FlutterFlow in terms of features:

Flutterflow features: Drag and Drop Interface

Flutterflow features and interface

Visual Development Platform:

  • Drag-and-drop builder with 80+ Flutter Widgets and 170+ pre-designed components to develop apps quickly.
  • Visual action builder for complex logic flows.
  • Integrated custom code editor for creating custom widgets or actions.

Data and API Integration:

  • Firebase support for live data connection.
  • API support to connect with third-party or custom RESTful backends.
  • Supabase integration for database and authentication.

Team Collaboration and Version Control:

  • Real-time collaboration, branching for teams, and version control.
  • Commenting, shareable project links, and project permissions management.
  • Screenshot generator for app store or marketing materials.

Advanced Features and Customizations:

  • Cloud Functions deployment, AI-generated code with Codex.
  • Push notifications, light/dark mode, and pre-built chat templates.
  • Custom widgets, actions, and functions with Dart code.

Integrations and Third-Party Services:

  • Google Maps and PlacePicker integration.
  • Search capabilities with Algolia.
  • Payment processing with Braintree/PayPal and in-app ads with Google AdMob.
  • Github integration for code deployment and collaboration.

AI and Automated Features:

  • AI Chat Bot and various demo apps.
  • Automated testing for flow validation.

Flutter features

Flutter Interface

Multi-Platform Deployment

  • Single Codebase: Write code once and deploy it across Android, iOS, web, Windows, macOS, Linux, and embedded devices.
  • Adaptive Design: Ensures apps look beautiful and perform well on any screen size or platform.
  • Flutter apps stand out in the app marketplace due to their high performance, fast development speed, and visual appeal.


  • Hot Reload: Allows developers to see code changes instantly without losing the current state of the app.
  • Custom Widgets: Provides hundreds of pre-made or customizable widgets for rich user interfaces.
  • IDE Support: Compatible with popular editors like VSCode and Android Studio, featuring plugins for a streamlined development process.

Native Performance

  • Fast Compilation: Compiles to native machine code (ARM, Intel, JavaScript) for high performance.
  • Hardware-Accelerated Graphics: Ensures smooth and performant graphics on any platform.

Open Source and Community

  • Always Open Source: Supported by a global community and maintained by Google.
  • The official package manager, offering thousands of open-source packages and plugins.
  • Community Engagement: Active involvement through events, consultants, and developer stories.

Development Tools

  • DevTools: Comprehensive suite of performance and debugging tools, including widget inspectors and memory profilers.
  • Documentation: Extensive resources including tutorials, cookbooks, and guides for all levels of developers.

AI and Integrations

  • Generative AI: Integration with leading AI models and APIs for advanced features.
  • Google Services Integration: Connectivity with Firebase, Google Ads, Google Play, Google Pay, Google Wallet, and Google Maps.

Monetization and Games

  • Monetization: Tools and integrations to help developers monetize their apps effectively.
  • Game Development: Support for building engaging and high-performance games.

Flutterflow vs Flutter User Interface

Splitscreen of two dfferent apps

Here’s a comparison of Flutter and FlutterFlow user interfaces:

Development Approach

  • Flutter: Traditional coding. Developers write code in Dart to define the app’s look, feel, and behavior.
  • FlutterFlow: No code/low code. Users drag and drop pre-built UI components and configure them to build the app. FlutterFlow is suitable for non-technical users, designers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses looking to create basic to moderately complex apps quickly.


  • Flutter: Offers complete control over every aspect of the UI. Great for complex, unique designs.
  • FlutterFlow: Provides customization options through the visual interface, but may have limitations for highly specialized or intricate UIs.

Learning Curve

  • Flutter: Steeper learning curve. Requires knowledge of Dart programming and Flutter framework.
  • FlutterFlow: Easier to learn, especially for those with no coding experience.

Flutterflow vs Flutter Development Costs

Illustration of different pricing plans

Flutterflow pricing

Free Plan

  • Cost: Free
  • Includes: Visual Application Builder with 100s of page and component templates. Ability to build mobile, web, and desktop apps. API and data integration. Web publishing.

Standard Plan

  • Cost: Monthly $30/month, Annually $22/month.
  • Includes all Free Plan features plus: Download project source code or APK. Custom domain web publishing.

Pro Plan

  • Cost: Monthly $70/monthly, Annually: $50/month.
  • Includes all Standard Plan features plus: Source repository integration. One-click localization. GitHub integration. One-click deployment to Apple and Google App Stores.

Teams Plan

  • Cost: Monthly $70/user/month, Annually: $50/user/month.
  • Includes all Pro Plan features plus: Real-time collaboration. Project-level access controls. 7-day audit logs. Centralized billing.

FlutterFlow Enterprise

  • Cost: Customized pricing for enterprise needs.
  • Includes: Enterprise compliance, security, support, and operational integration. Contact Sales for more details.

Flutter pricing

Flutter is open source and free, so anyone can use it to build beautiful and fast mobile, web and even desktop applications from a single codebase, making it a very attractive option for both individual developers and large enterprises.

Flutterflow vs Flutter Overview: Rapid Prototyping

Flutter vs Flutterflow overview

Here’s a breakdown of the key differences between Flutterflow and Flutter for building mobile app UIs:


  • Type: Open-source UI toolkit
  • Development approach: Code-based (uses Dart programming language)
  • Pros:
    • Extensive customization and control over every aspect of the UI
    • Highly flexible for complex app features and designs
    • Strong developer community and resources
    • Supports creating multi-platform apps (iOS, Android, web)
    • Free
  • Cons:
    • Requires coding knowledge in Dart
    • Steeper learning curve compared to FlutterFlow
    • Slower development process for simple apps


  • Type: No code/low code platform
  • Development approach: Visual, drag-and-drop interface with pre-built components
  • Pros:
    • Beginner-friendly, minimal to no coding required
    • Faster development for prototypes and basic apps
    • Easier to use
  • Cons:
    • Limited customization compared to Flutter
    • Reliant on pre-built components and templates

Final thoughts

Flutter and FlutterFlow are different tools for different projects. Flutter is for complex apps that need lots of control and customization. It requires coding knowledge in Dart but provides flexibility and high performance. FlutterFlow is for beginners or rapid prototyping. It simplifies the process but may limit advanced customizations. Evaluate your project’s complexity, timeline, and team expertise to decide which tool is best.

FlutterFlow is easy to use for those without coding experience. It allows quick development with drag-and-drop components, making it suitable for simple apps or prototypes. However, for more complex apps, Flutter is better. It offers deeper integration and performance optimization, especially for multi-platform applications. Consider these factors when choosing the right tool for your app development needs.

Illustration of two people thinking of going in which way

Both Flutter and FlutterFlow have advantages. Flutter is open-source and free, so it attracts developers who want control and customization. It supports many platforms and has a strong community. FlutterFlow is no code, so it speeds up development and is user-friendly. Its pricing plans are flexible for different projects. Think about your project’s goals, complexity, and budget to choose the right tool.

If you are having problems with your app development journey, consider contacting skilled developers like Idea Link who can help you build mobile and web applications.


Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas is a content manager and author passionate about creating quality content. He has a background in marketing, communications, and customer service and is skilled at using various AI and No Code tools. Domantas likes checking out new tools and putting them to work in his free time.

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