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Native App vs Web App: What’s The Difference?

Domantas Alosevičius

Getting started with web and mobile application development today can be confusing. There are a lot of tools and a lot of ways to build applications. But what is the difference between a web app and a native app?

Native app vs web app featured

Web apps and native apps each have their benefits. Understanding their differences can help you make better decisions for your business. In this article, we will take a look at what makes them different.

What is a web app?

What is a web app

A web app, or web application, is a software program that you can access using a web browser instead of downloading and installing it on your device. They typically run on a remote server and are accessed through the internet.

A good example of a web app is Gmail. You can access your email, compose new messages, and search through your inbox all through a web browser, without needing any software installed on your computer.

What is a native app?

What is native app

A native app is a software application designed specifically for a particular operating system (OS) like iOS for iPhones or Android for most other smartphones. These apps are typically downloaded and installed from app stores like the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

What are the differences between a native app vs web app?

The main differences between native apps and web apps are as follows:


  • Web Apps: Delivered over an internet browser and do not require installation. Limited to interactions supported by web browsers and cannot access device features.
  • Native Apps: Built for specific platforms or devices, require installation. Can access device features such as location tracking, cameras, microphones, contact lists, touch gestures, and security features like fingerprint scanning.

User Experience:

  • Web Apps: User experience can vary based on the browser. Features and design elements may appear differently across browsers, and responsiveness may be affected by browser window resizing.
  • Native Apps: Provide a consistent and engaging user experience. They fill the screen, control the entire device, and can send push notifications for re-engagement.


  • Web Apps: Generally slower and less responsive compared to native apps. Performance is controlled centrally, and updates benefit all users immediately.
  • Native Apps: Offer better performance, being faster and more responsive. However, performance maintenance is user-dependent, requiring updates.

App Development:

  • Web Apps: Simpler, cheaper, and faster to develop. Easier to maintain with a single codebase that needs testing and updating.
  • Native Apps: More expensive and time-consuming to develop.

User Reach:

  • Web Apps: Limited by the need for an internet connection. Users must open a browser and find the app, adding steps to access it.
  • Native Apps: Can be designed to work offline. More discoverable through app stores, allowing for marketing campaigns within the store to reach a wider audience.

The Pros and Cons: Native App vs Web App

Pros and cons of web apps illustration

Choosing between a native app and a web app depends on your specific needs and goals. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons of each:

Native Apps


  • Performance: They tend to be faster, smoother, and more responsive than web apps.
  • Offline Functionality: Many native apps can work without an internet connection, which is useful for situations where connectivity is unreliable.
  • Device Integration: They can use a device’s hardware like camera, GPS, or fingerprint scanner for a better user experience.
  • User Experience: Native apps can offer a more polished and intuitive user experience since they’re designed for a specific platform.


  • Development Cost: Building and maintaining separate native apps for different platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • Distribution: Apps need to be submitted to app stores, which can have approval processes and fees.

Web Apps


  • Cost-Effective: Development is faster and cheaper as a single codebase can work across platforms.
  • Accessibility: No installation required, users can access the app from any device with a web browser.
  • Updates: Updates are available to all users immediately.


  • Performance: Web apps can be slower and less responsive, especially on devices with poor internet connection.
  • Limited Functionality: Web apps may have limitations on accessing device features compared to native apps.
  • Offline access: Progressive Web apps typically require an internet connection to function.

How to create web apps?

Person trying to create web apps illustration

The tools you use to build a web application depend on your experience level and the complexity of the application you’re building. Here are some tools you can use to build web applications:


Bubble logo

Bubble is a full-stack, no-code platform for designing, developing, and launching applications without coding. It is suitable for startups and enterprise teams alike, offering tools for anyone looking to create powerful web applications.

Key Features:

  • Design Capabilities: Bubble provides robust design tools to create polished, user-friendly applications. Its interface allows for seamless design adjustments and a professional look.
  • Full-Stack Functionality: Bubble supports comprehensive app development with built-in logic and functionality, allowing users to build complex applications without code.
  • Data Management: Bubble comes with a scalable, built-in database. This ensures your app can handle growth and maintain performance efficiently.
  • Collaboration: Work with your team within the Bubble platform. Its collaboration tools make teamwork on projects easy and effective.


Glideapps logo and Interface

Glide is a powerful no-code app builder designed for businesses. It allows users to create custom applications using their existing data without writing any code. This tool is perfect for businesses looking to improve efficiency and optimize operations.

Key Features:

  • Data Integration: Glide connects with your existing data sources, including spreadsheets and databases. This ensures that your apps are always up-to-date with the latest information.
  • Device Compatibility: Glide apps adapt to any device, providing a seamless user experience on smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Workflow Automation: Create multi-step actions and automate your workflows to save time and reduce errors.
  • License Consolidation: Use one platform to replace multiple tools, reducing costs and simplifying management.
  • User-Friendly Design: Glide’s apps are visually appealing and easy to use, ensuring your team enjoys using them.

How to create native apps?

Here are a few tools you can use to create native apps:


Flutterflow interface

FlutterFlow is a powerful tool for building native applications quickly and efficiently. It allows developers to create beautiful user interfaces, generate clean code, and smoothly deploy applications to multiple platforms. Trusted by the best companies, it combines no-code simplicity with traditional coding. It’s considered a low code development tool.

Key Features:

  • Visual UI and Logic Builder: FlutterFlow’s drag-and-drop interface speeds up app development by ten times. It includes over 80 Flutter Widgets and 170 pre-designed components.
  • Data Integration: Easily connect your app to live data with Firebase support or any third-party API using FlutterFlow’s API integration.
  • Responsive Design: Build applications that adapt to any device size, ensuring a consistent user experience across all platforms.
  • Customization: Use the custom code editor to create unique widgets or actions. Integrate them directly into the UI builder or action flow editor.
  • Localization: Instantly translate your app using Google Translate. Localization is quick and easy, broadening your app’s reach.
  • Deployment: Deploy your app anywhere with Flutter’s cross-platform capabilities. Build once, and deploy across iOS, Android, and the web.


Thunkable logo

Thunkable is a platform that allows you to create native mobile apps without needing to know how to code. It uses a visual programming interface, which means you can drag and drop elements to build your app. It’s ideal for individuals and teams looking to bring their app ideas to life without coding skills.

Key Features:

  • Visual Designer: Thunkable’s visual designer allows you to build your app using a drag-and-drop interface. Customize your app’s look with fonts, colors, and images.
  • Extensive Component Library: Access over 50 design components, including input fields, buttons, maps, and video players. These pre-built elements help speed up development.
  • Native Functionality: Build apps that can access notifications, Bluetooth, and location services. Your app will work offline too.
  • Direct Publishing: Publish your app directly to the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or the web. Simplify the deployment process.

Native App vs Web App Overview

When deciding between web and mobile apps, consider your specific needs. Web apps are accessible through a browser and do not need installation. They are cost-effective and easier to update.

Splitscreen of two illustrations of app development

However, they may lack some functionality and perform slower than native apps. Native apps offer better performance and can work offline. They integrate well with device features but are more costly and time-consuming to develop.

The right development tool depends on your app requirements and coding experience. For web apps, platforms like Bubble and Glide provide quick, easy solutions. They allow you to build and launch applications with features like design capabilities and data management. For native apps, tools like FlutterFlow and Thunkable offer more development options. They support visual design and data integration, making it easier to create high-quality native apps without coding knowledge.

Both web apps and native apps have advantages and disadvantages. Web apps are ideal for cost-effective, accessible solutions that require minimal maintenance. A native mobile app is better for high-performance applications with advanced features and offline capabilities. Evaluate your business needs and available resources to make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and delivers the best user experience.

Final thoughts

This article has covered the main differences between native apps and web apps. By now, you should understand the pros and cons of each approach.

As you can see from this post, there is a pretty big difference between native and web apps. So choosing the right one for your project depends on your needs.

Consider your target audience and the functionality you want to provide. If you’re unsure, consulting with app development professionals like Idea Link can help you make the best decision.


Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas Alosevičius

Domantas is a content manager and author passionate about creating quality content. He has a background in marketing, communications, and customer service and is skilled at using various AI and No Code tools. Domantas likes checking out new tools and putting them to work in his free time.

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