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The No Code industry is booming as new products launch every week. A lot of tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Meta have started investing their time, money, and focus towards innovating No Code. [1]
We have occasional conferences that reflect upon the innovations and connect people across the world through digital platforms. These conferences are a great way to meet like-minded people that share your goals and interests.
You could expand your network, ask specific questions to industry experts and learn something new within a couple of hours through a No Code conference. For example, you can ask the founder of Bubble for some advice on your business. You can’t put a price on an experience like that. It is invaluable.
That’s why we have brought to you a list of top No Code conferences happening in 2022 around the world with the details to join them. Some of these No Code conferences might have already occurred while you are reading this blog. We will regularly update the links to event highlights.
Webflow has done one of the world’s biggest conferences for No Code for 2 consecutive years 2020 and 2021. They have brought together more than 18,000 No Code fans from 135+ countries. We saw participation from Tech Giants like Adobe, Apple, and Google.
One of the popular sessions at the conference was between Vlad Magdalin, the CEO of Webflow, and Trever Noah[2], the famous stand-up comedian. Although they haven’t announced the date yet, we are excited to see what they have in store for us.
Webflow team members have spent a lot of time curating the panel speakers and designing a storytelling format for their presentations. Attend No Code conf to be a part of the milestone event for this industry.
Date – To Be Announced
It is a virtual event hosted by Zapier. Throughout this event, they discuss the horizon of visual automation. No Code automation can unlock the true potential of your business. Who better than the leaders in the automation world to discuss that with you?
Wade Foster, Co-Founder, and CEO along with Mike Knoop, Co-Founder and President of Zapier talk about using Zapier to make automation more accessible without needing to write code. A few videos from the 2021 conference are available to watch on-demand.
If you are a startup founder or someone who wants to learn automation in detail, you should watch all of these 2021 videos and register for Zapconnect 2022.
Date – October 20, 2022
After the success of their first edition of ‘Low Code conf’ in 2021, they have decided to keep the tradition alive each coming year.
The focus of the Low Code conf is on the application of fundamental No Code and Low Code Tools for digital government transformation, and enterprise solutions. They also have hands-on workshops and tutorials to practically guide you through the process.
As they are preparing for this conference, they are finding experts that can stage their conference. So if you are an entrepreneur, academic, or just a well-spoken No Code/Low Code enthusiast, you can apply for becoming a speaker as well.
Date – November 1-3 2022
We are excited about all of these upcoming events. But the list doesn’t end here. While these conferences are coming up, you can learn from plenty of past conferences. Here’s the list of Top No Code events and where to access them.
It has to be the longest conference ever in the domain of No Code. It lasted for 16 days and featured more than 100 speakers. They have covered almost all the possible landscapes related to No Code.
The theme of this conference was to discuss the No Code revolution that has taken over almost all industries. They focus on how No Code shapes the future of enterprises and how to add it to your customer journey.
All the conversations are unlisted videos on YouTube. You can register on their event page to watch the full conference.
It is a 2-day in-person event in Chicago to engage in thought-provoking discussions around No Code. You get to listen to the latest trends that are shaping the future of business from renowned tech influencers. This conference is for entrepreneurs who want to learn applications of No Code to run their businesses.
You can also get a chance to network with the community of No Code. The best part of this event is that it is completely free of cost. They would plug Creatio’s products, but there are no free lunches as they say.
One fun thing about this event is that at the end, one of the participants gets a free helicopter ride based on their performance throughout the conference. They haven’t posted the conference online yet. We will keep you updated if that changes.
It was a 2-day event that happened in October 2020. No Code was relatively newer at that time which is why this conference holds a special place in No Code history.
They had over 16 hours of expert discussions on how No Code tools work and the best No Code infrastructure to run a business. We saw big names like Bubble, Adalo, and TypeForm participate in this conference.
Unfortunately, the full Zero Code Conference is not available for free but you can access the highlights on YouTube.
If you want to watch it, you can purchase it through one of their pricing plans. After that, you can access all talks from the conference including Q&A on demand.
As we mentioned earlier Webflow’s No Code Conf was huge. If you weren’t impressed by the fact that Trevor Noah was there, here are some other exciting details.
Their YouTube Session highlights are so well created that an hour-long talk on No Code sounds like poetry. It captures the top moments of the Conference and successfully explains and takes you through an informative journey of No Code.
No matter who you are, a Founder, Tech CEO, Program manager, No Code newbie, or just a fan, you will derive value from these conversations.
It is an online conference series where they bring No Code newbies, founders, and innovators from all over the world to discuss the future of No Code. Founders of Ninox, Softr, and WeAreNoCode were on their list of panel experts.
These industry leaders shared their knowledge on No Code training and tools on how to launch a new product in no time, at a lower cost than Pro Code. The conference is available on YouTube for free. You can get more information about speakers and topics from their website.
It was Switzerland’s first No Code conference about business idea testing and learning from experts from Bubble, Makerpad, and Business Model Canvas about how to build a business without code.
One of the most interesting talks at this conference is between two pioneers in the field Emmanuel from Bubble and Ben from Makerpad who discuss the scalability of startups and ideas built on No Code. A full conference is available for free once you sign up on their platform.
Huggy Studio is a Switzerland-based No Code agency that often conducts No Code events virtually. Most of these events are free of cost. If you want to keep an eye on these events, you can track them on their Twitter account.
That was our list of Top Conferences in the No Code space. It is a great place for learning and virtual networking with industry friends. It is also an outstanding platform to ask your personal questions and get perspectives from genius minds.
The companies work extremely hard to put together these insightful events. And since almost all of these conferences are free, all you are paying is your time and attention. Once this becomes mainstream, it would be tough to achieve the level of personalization available at the moment.
As No Code tools continue to push the boundaries of digital revolution, this is your chance to get in on the ground floor of the revolution. Don’t want to miss out on future updates on No Code? Follow us on Twitter.