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Generative AI vs Machine Learning: What Sets Them Apart?

Generative AI
Linas Kiguolis

While everyone is using artificial intelligence, people tend to just use the tools and not look at how they work or what kind of AI tools are out there. However, it is important to understand the tools you are using to use them better in the future.

Machine learning vs generative AI

In this article, I will go through the main differences in generative AI vs machine learning, their main advantages, limitations, use cases, and more.

What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence techniques that are used to create entirely new data. This data can be text, images, audio, or even video. Generative models work by analyzing large amounts of existing data to identify patterns and relations. They then use this understanding to produce new content that follows these patterns.

Generative AI models work by encoding a simple representation of their training data and then using this representation to generate new, similar but not identical outputs. This process can start with a prompt.

The AI then generates new content in response to this prompt, which can range from essays and solutions to problems to realistic fakes created from images or audio of a person.

Limitations of generative AI

AI person thinking

While Generative AI is one of the most popular types of artificial intelligence out there, it still has some drawbacks:

  • Quality of training data: The effectiveness of generative AI is directly influenced by the quality and diversity of the training data. High-quality, diverse training data leads to more accurate and varied generated outputs. However, if the training data is limited or of poor quality, the AI’s output may also be limited or inaccurate.
  • Computing power: Generative AI requires significant computational resources to produce high-quality outputs, such as realistic images or text. This can be expensive and time-consuming, limiting the accessibility and scalability of the technology.
  • Limited range of outputs: The scope of outputs generated by generative AI is limited by the training dataset. If the dataset is limited in scope, the AI is also limited in what it can generate.
  • Lack of creativity and innovation: Generative AI cannot generate new ideas or solutions. It can only produce results that are similar to what has been done before, as it operates based on pre-existing data and rules. This limitation means that AI cannot yet replace human creativity or innovation.
  • Understanding context and complex situations: Generative AI has difficulty understanding context when presented with new information or scenarios outside of its training parameters. This makes it difficult for AI to draw conclusions or make decisions based on complex situations.

Advantages of Generative AI

Person following a robot

Generative AI has many advantages, here are just a few of the best-known:

  • Automate repetitive tasks: It is excellent at automating monotonous tasks such as creating product descriptions, composing emails, or designing layouts, saving time and reducing manual effort.
  • Improve creativity and innovation: Generative AI boosts creativity by producing fresh and imaginative content, inspiring innovative ideas, and pushing boundaries in creative fields such as art, music, and design.
  • Language translation: Generative AI has changed the way language translation is done by training machine learning models to translate languages with impressive accuracy, eliminating language barriers and making global communication seamless.
  • Graphic design and advertising: Generative AI is changing graphic design and advertising by creating visually appealing content and personalized campaigns, optimizing engagement, and driving higher conversion rates.

Examples of generative AI

AI and a person painting

Image generation

Generative AI, particularly in the area of image generation, has opened up new ways of creating unique and realistic images from text descriptions. There are quite a few Image generation tools out there that you can try out yourself like:


Midjourney is a service developed by San Francisco-based independent AI developers at the research lab Midjourney, Inc. It specializes in generating images from natural language descriptions.


Developed by OpenAI, DALL-E is a perfect example of a generative AI that can convert text into images. It’s able to generate images based on specific settings, themes, styles, or locations described by users. This AI technology has been used in a variety of fields, including media, design, advertising, marketing, and education, to create visual materials.

Text Generation

Generative AI can be used to write different kinds of creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, and even letters. This can be helpful for things like generating marketing copy, writing different creative text formats, or even brainstorming new ideas.


ChatGPT developed by OpenAI, including GPT-3 and GPT-4, are among the most advanced AI for generating human-like text. They are used for a range of applications like writing assistance, content creation, and even programming help.


Gemini AI is a new, innovative artificial intelligence model developed by Google DeepMind that is a significant step forward in AI capabilities. It is designed to be multimodal, meaning it can understand, manipulate, and combine different types of information, including text, code, audio, and images.

Other types of generative content:

Video generation: Some AI video generators take written descriptions as input and create videos that match that description.

AI avatars: Some video generation tools can create videos with realistic AI-powered avatars that speak and move according to a script you provide. This is useful for creating educational videos, marketing materials, or even personalized e-learning content.

Music generation: Generative AI can compose new music pieces in various styles.

And lots of other types of generative AI are coming out every day, so in the future, we’ll see more generative AI that can do things we can’t do today.

What is machine learning?

AI robot reaching with a hand

Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that focuses on developing algorithms that can learn from data. Unlike traditional programming, where a computer follows a set of explicit instructions, machine learning algorithms can improve their performance on a given task through experience.

This experience comes in the form of data, which the algorithm analyses to identify patterns and relationships. Over time, the algorithm becomes better at recognizing these patterns and can use them to make predictions or decisions based on new, unseen data.

Advantages of Traditional Machine Learning

Machine learning offers a variety of advantages that can improve efficiency, uncover hidden insights, and automate tasks across many industries. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Automation and no human intervention required: Machine learning algorithms can operate without constant human supervision, allowing them to learn and improve over time.
  • Identifies patterns: Machine learning can analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and patterns that may not be apparent.
  • Continuous improvement: As machine learning algorithms process more data, they become more accurate and efficient in their predictions and decisions. This continuous learning process allows for the development of models that can adapt and improve over time.
  • Wide range of applications: Machine learning has applications in multiple fields, including hospitality, ed-tech, medicine, science, banking, and business, creating numerous opportunities for innovation and improvement.

Limitations of Traditional Machine Learning

Machine learning, for all its potential, has some limitations that need to be considered. Here are some of the key challenges:

  • Limited Data Availability: Machine learning models require large amounts of data to learn effectively. However, access to certain types of data, especially in sensitive fields like healthcare, can be restricted due to privacy concerns. Efforts are being made to create synthetic data and improve data sharing to address this limitation.
  • Data dependence: Machine learning algorithms are reliant on data. The quality and quantity of data heavily influence the performance of the model. Insufficient data or data with biases can lead to inaccurate or unfair outcomes.
  • Overfitting and underfitting: These are common problems where the model either memorizes the training data too closely (overfitting) or fails to capture the underlying patterns (underfitting). Both scenarios lead to poor performance on new data.
  • Computational resources: Training complex machine learning models can require significant computational power and resources. This can be a barrier for smaller organizations or applications with limited resources.
  • Ethical considerations: The use of machine learning raises ethical questions, such as privacy concerns around data collection and the potential for algorithms to be used for malicious purposes.

Examples of Machine Learning

Self driving car

Machine learning has been integrated into different applications in different sectors, improving their functionality and user experience. Here are a few notable examples:

  • Self-Driving Car Technology: Reinforcement learning plays a crucial role in the development of self-driving cars, enabling them to learn from their environment and make decisions autonomously.
  • TV, Movie, and Video Recommendations: Machine learning algorithms analyze user preferences and viewing history to recommend content, enhancing the user experience on streaming platforms.
  • Fraud Detection: Machine learning algorithms are used to detect fraudulent transactions in banking and finance, improving security and reducing losses.
  • Image Recognition: Machine learning is used in applications like facial recognition, which is crucial for security, healthcare, and social media platforms for tagging and verifying individuals.
  • Traffic prediction: Machine learning can help predict traffic congestion. By analyzing historical traffic data along with real-time information like weather conditions, algorithms can forecast traffic patterns and suggest optimal routes.

What are the Key Differences Between Generative AI vs Machine Learning?

What are the Key Differences Between Machine Learning vs. Generative AI?

Machine learning and generative AI are both exciting subfields of artificial intelligence, but they serve different purposes:

Machine Learning:

  • Focus: Machine learning is about following patterns and making predictions based on data.
  • Training: Machine learning algorithms are trained on massive datasets. This data could be numbers, text, images, or even sounds. By analyzing these patterns, the algorithms learn the underlying relationships within the data.
  • Output: Machine learning models typically output predictions, classifications, or decisions based on the learned patterns. For example, a machine learning model trained on weather data might predict tomorrow’s high temperature.

Generative AI:

  • Focus: It’s designed to create entirely new data that resembles the data it was trained on.
  • Training: Similar to machine learning, generative AI models are trained on large datasets. However, the focus here is on understanding the underlying structure and style of the data, not just the patterns.
  • Output: Generative AI models create new and original content, like images, text formats, music, or even video.

A simple example of how you can tell the difference between generative AI and machine learning:

Imagine you’re training a chef. Machine learning would be like teaching the chef to recognize different ingredients, understand how they interact in recipes, and then predict the taste of a dish based on its recipe. Generative AI, on the other hand, would be like teaching the chef to not only understand recipes but also to create entirely new and delicious dishes based on their knowledge of flavors and techniques.

Will generative AI replace machine learning?

While generative AI represents a significant advancement and offers unique capabilities, it is unlikely to replace traditional machine learning. Instead, it is more likely to complement and improve upon these technologies, leading to a more integrated and well-rounded AI environment.

Final thoughts

While both generative AI and machine learning are powerful tools, they serve different purposes and have unique characteristics. Generative AI focuses on creating new data instances, often with a creative or artistic twist, while machine learning is more about making predictions or decisions based on existing data.

AI brain

It is important to understand the differences between generative AI and ML. This understanding can improve the way you use these tools. Each has its uses and limitations. But together they offer a wide range of possibilities.

If you are interested in AI and all that surrounds it, consider reading our other posts like artificial intelligence experts.


Linas Kiguolis

Need some help with No-code?

As a founder of a traditional software development agency Bright Projects and numerous blockchain projects such as Ertha and Spellfire, Linas is the most experienced member of our crew. He provides a critical perspective towards No Code tools and their capabilities, as there are still many fields where they still cannot replace good old coding.


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