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FlutterFlow vs Bubble: Comparing No-Code Development Platforms

Linas Kiguolis

Bubble and Flutterflow are two of the biggest no-code platforms out there. Since they are quite similar, it can be difficult to choose the best one for your project when both are great for mobile and web apps.

Flutterflow vs Bubble

This guide will help you decide which one best suits your needs when choosing between very different no-code solutions: Flutterflow vs Bubble.

What is Bubble?

What is Bubble?

Bubble is a no-code development platform that allows users to design, develop, and deploy production-ready applications without writing any code. It is designed for a wide range of users, from beginners to enterprise teams, and provides a full-stack development environment.

What is Flutteflow?

What is Flutteflow?

FlutterFlow is a development platform designed to help you quickly build mobile and web applications, with a strong focus on mobile app development. It allows users to visually create applications using a drag-and-drop interface, using over 80 Flutter Widgets and over 170 pre-built components. The platform combines the simplicity of no-code development with the performance of custom coding, allowing developers to generate clean code and deploy it to app stores or the web with a single click.

What are the features of Bubble and Flutterflow?

Here’s a more comprehensive breakdown of some key features of Bubble and Flutterflow. Both platforms offer advanced features and support for third-party services.

Bubble features

Bubble features

Key Features:

  • Customizable Design Features: Start with sleek themes and templates crafted using leading design principles.
  • Pre-Built Components: Use pre-made UI elements for a faster start.
  • Responsive Design: Create apps that work on any device using CSS Flexbox.
  • Reusable Elements: Define custom elements for your specific needs.
  • Efficient Data Display: Show bulk information with repeating groups.
  • SEO Tools: Optimize your app for discoverability with SEO tools.
  • User Account Management: Manage all your records with Bubble’s intuitive database editor.
  • Custom Data Types: Create data types with fields containing different information based on your app’s needs.
  • Scalable Database: Support your growing user base with quick record creation and searches.
  • API Integration: Connect with external services like Segment, Stripe, and OpenAI.
  • Custom Events and Workflows: Create custom events and workflows from signup to purchase flows.
  • Automated Functions: Schedule workflows to trigger at certain times or in response to database changes.
  • Real-Time Data Integration: Use data from your built-in database, external sources, or custom code.
  • Branch Creation: Break down your project into independent parts for safe changes.
  • Main and Hotfix Branches: Control releases and make urgent fixes easily.
  • Conflict Resolution: Guided merge flow helps you preview and minimize errors.
  • Web Application Development: Leverage Bubble’s strengths in creating complex and robust web applications with extensive customization capabilities through a drag-and-drop interface.

Side note: Bubble announced that they will soon extend their no-code capabilities to include efficient native mobile app development. No word yet on when this feature will arrive.

Flutterflow features

Flutterflow features

Key features:

  • Branching for Teams: Collaborate smoothly by working on different features simultaneously. This reduces conflicts and streamlines development.
  • Automated Testing: Validate app flows and catch issues early with integrated testing tools.
  • Cloud Functions: Write and deploy Firebase Cloud Functions within FlutterFlow for enhanced functionality.
  • Animations: Add dynamic animations to your app with ease.

Core Platform Features:

  • Responsive App Design: Create designs that adapt to various screen sizes effortlessly.
  • Storyboarding: Visualize and map out your app’s design and navigation for a user-friendly experience.
  • Web Deployment: Deploy your web app to a custom domain directly from FlutterFlow.
  • 170+ Prebuilt Components: Use drag-and-drop cards, user profiles, and more to build your app quickly.
  • RazorPay: Accept payments directly in your application.
  • Supabase Auth: Implement Supabase email authentication easily.
  • Edit Multiple Widgets: Edit multiple widgets simultaneously for faster design changes.
  • Drag & Drop Builder: Build your app with 65+ pre-built widgets, adding functionality and design elements easily.
  • Pre-Designed Template Screens: Use 150+ professionally designed screen templates to start your projects quickly.
  • Run & Test Your App: Test your app’s functionality with live data, no emulator is needed.
  • Firebase Content Manager: Manage your Firestore data visually within FlutterFlow.
  • Commenting on Projects: Receive feedback and assign users to comments for efficient collaboration.
  • Integrating Custom Code: Embed custom scripts and execute custom JavaScript for advanced customizations and specific functionalities.

Bubble vs FlutterFlow: A UI/UX Comparison with Drag and Drop Interface


  • Customization: Offers a powerful drag-and-drop interface with extensive customization capabilities, enabling users to achieve highly tailored web app experiences.
  • Flexibility: For users with some coding knowledge, Bubble integrates custom code (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) for even greater control.
  • Learning Curve: The wider range of features can make Bubble slightly more complex to learn compared to FlutterFlow.


  • Ease of Use: A user-friendly interface with a focus on drag-and-drop simplicity, enabling users to get started with app development quickly, making it ideal for beginners.
  • Mobile-first Design: FlutterFlow excels in creating responsive web and mobile applications with a focus on native-like performance.
  • Clean UI: Streamlined design capabilities for a sleek user experience across devices.
  • Limited Customization: While offering customization, it might not reach the same level of deep customization as Bubble for complex needs.

Both applications have a very similar user interface, enabling users to design precise app features without needing to write code. Although FlutterFlow feels more user-friendly than Bubble.

Bubble vs FlutterFlow: Ease of Use and Learning Curve

Bubble vs FlutterFlow: Ease of Use and Learning Curve

In terms of ease of use and learning curve:


  • Ease of Use: Bubble offers a visual drag-and-drop interface, making it seem beginner-friendly.
  • Learning Curve: However, Bubble’s true power lies in its depth of customization. This can lead to a steeper learning curve, especially for complex workflows and functionalities.


  • Ease of Use: FlutterFlow is generally considered easier to learn than Bubble, particularly for those new to app development. Its interface is streamlined for mobile app creation.
  • Learning Curve: While easier to grasp initially, FlutterFlow may have limitations in customization compared to Bubble. This can restrict the complexity of features you can build.

Consider trying out both platforms’ free plans to get a feel for their interfaces and see which one feels more comfortable for you.

Bubble and Flutterflow Integrations

Bubble integrations

Bubble integrations

Bubble connects with many popular services. Here are just a few of the many Bubble integrations:

  • Airtable Integration: Manages your data. Airtable is great for organizing and collaborating on data.
  • Algolia Integration: Provides advanced search capabilities. Algolia enhances your app’s search functionality.
  • Figma Integration: Figma integration allows for easy design updates and sharing.
  • Google Maps Integration: Adds maps to your app. Customizable maps and location-based data are included.
  • Google Optimize Integration: Improves your app’s performance. This tool helps in A/B testing and optimization.
  • Basecamp Integration: Enhances project management. Basecamp integration streamlines project planning and communication.
  • Clarifai Integration: Adds image recognition. Clarifai’s AI helps in understanding and tagging images.
  • Disqus Integration: Manages comments. Disqus helps in moderating and organizing comments on your content.
  • GitHub Integration: Facilitates code collaboration. GitHub integration supports version control and teamwork.
  • Google Drive Integration: Stores files efficiently. Google Drive allows for seamless file storage and sharing.
  • Gravatar Integration: Manages user avatars. Gravatar integration provides user profile pictures easily.
  • Heap Analytics Integration: Tracks user interactions. Heap Analytics helps in understanding user behavior.

Flutterflow integrations

Flutterflow integrations

Here are the most used Flutterflow integrations:

  • Firebase Integration: Simplifies user authentication and database setup, making it easy to implement login and registration flows using Firebase’s native features.
  • Google Maps Integration: Enables the integration of Google Maps into applications, providing customizable maps with single or multiple markers and integrating Google PlacePicker for location search and adding location-based data.
  • Codemagic 1-Click Deploy: Simplifies app deployment by enabling direct publishing from FlutterFlow to the App Store and Play Store.
  • Stripe Integration: Connects e-commerce stores to apps for seamless payment processing, making it ideal for processing transactions in-app.
  • RevenueCat Integration: Supports in-app purchases and subscriptions, enabling content paywalls and direct in-app purchases.
  • Algolia Integration: Provides advanced in-app search capabilities using Algolia, a world-class search tool, with easy integration into FlutterFlow.
  • OpenAI Codex Integration: Uses AI to generate code, making it perfect for those who want to add custom functionality to their apps without programming skills, as it turns user instructions into usable code.
  • Supabase Integration: Incorporates Supabase’s database and authentication capabilities, making it easy to create data-driven, visually appealing mobile apps.
  • GitHub Integration: Enhances collaborative development by allowing FlutterFlow projects to be pushed to GitHub, facilitating continuous development and collaboration.
  • Gemini Integration: Use Google’s AI features in your application by integrating Gemini AI. Obtain an API key from Google AI Studio and enable the Gemini option in FlutterFlow’s settings.

Flutterflow vs Bubble pricing

The best platform for you depends on your budget, team size, and project complexity. Here are the pricing plans for both platforms:

Flutterflow pricing

Flutterflow pricing

Free Plan

  • Includes: Visual Application Builder, Hundreds of page and component templates, Capability to build Mobile, Web, and Desktop Apps, API and Data Integration, and Web Publishing.

Standard Plan

  • Monthly: $30/month, Annual: $22/month.
  • Includes Free Plan features plus: Code Download, APK Download, and Custom Domain Web Publishing.

Pro Plan

  • Monthly: $70/month, Annual: $50/month.
  • Includes Standard Plan features plus: Source Repository Integration, One-Click Localization, GitHub Integration, and One-Click Deployment to Apple & Google App Stores.

Teams Plan

  • Monthly: $70/user, Annual: $50/user.
  • Pro Plan features plus: Real-Time Collaboration, project-level access Controls, 7-day audit Logs, and Centralized Billing.

Enterprise Plan

  • Custom pricing tailored for large-scale organizations.
  • Optimized for enterprise compliance, security, and support.
  • For companies with more than $10 million in annual revenue.
  • Includes all features with additional enterprise-level support and operational integration. Contact Sales for more information.

Bubble pricing

Bubble pricing

Free Plan

  • Includes: Development version, API connector, Component library, 1 app editor, 50k workload units/month, 6 hours of server logs

Starter Plan

  • Monthly: $40/month, Annual: $32/month.
  • Includes Free Plan features plus: Live app, Custom domain, Recurring workflows, Basic version control, 175k workload units/month, 2 days of server logs

Growth Plan

  • Monthly: $165/month, Annual: $134/month.
  • Includes Starter Plan features plus: 2 app-editors, Premium version control, Two-factor authentication, 10 custom branches, 250k workload units/month, 14 days of server logs

Team Plan

  • Monthly: $499/month, Annual: $399/month.
  • Includes Growth Plan features plus: 5 app-editors, Sub apps, 25 custom branches, 500k workload units/month, 20 days of server logs

Enterprise Plan

  • Contact sales for pricing
  • Includes Team Plan features plus: Choice of hosting location, Centralized admin, Dedicated server, Priority support, Enhanced security, Custom workload units

Advantages and disadvantages: summary table

Ease of UseVisual interface; steep learning curve for complex tasksEasier for beginners
CustomizabilityHighly customizable; flexible templatesA bit limited customization; many pre-built templates
Data ManagementEfficient data display; scalable databaseIntegrated Firebase manager; Supabase support
IntegrationA lot of integrationsLimited integrations
SEO ToolsComprehensive SEO toolsLimited SEO tools
Team CollaborationBranch creation; conflict resolutionReal-time collaboration; project-level access controls
Learning CurveSteeper learning curve due to customization and workflowsEasier initial learning curve; limitations with complex projects
Application TypesIdeal for complex web apps; responsive designOptimized for mobile apps; supports web apps
Templates & ComponentsPre-built components; customizable design170+ pre-built components; drag-and-drop builder
Testing & DeploymentAutomated functions; real-time data integrationAutomated testing; 1-click deployment; GitHub support
PricingFree plan; Starter ($40), Growth ($165), Team ($499)Free plan; Standard ($30), Pro ($70), Teams ($70/user)
Backend ConnectorsAPI integration: Segment, Stripe, OpenAIFirebase integration; Supabase; OpenAI Codex for custom code
ScalabilityScalable databases; customizable workflowsScalable with Firebase Cloud Functions and Supabase
User Account ManagementDatabase editor; custom data typesSupabase Auth for user authentication; integrated Firebase manager

Final thoughts: Flutterflow vs Bubble

Bubble and FlutterFlow are both powerful no-code development solutions. Bubble is ideal for users looking to create complex web applications without writing code. FlutterFlow is optimized for quickly building mobile and web applications with a drag-and-drop interface, making it a strong contender in web app development.

Bubble’s key features include a flexible design system, responsive layouts, and third-party integrations. Users benefit from database management and automated workflows that streamline the application development process. In addition, Bubble supports SEO optimization and custom events to meet a wide range of application needs. FlutterFlow features a visual editor, pre-built components, and seamless Firebase integration. Bubble makes it easy to publish apps to stores and collaborate with others in real-time.

Final thoughts: Flutterflow vs Bubble

Choose Bubble or FlutterFlow based on your project and team needs. Bubble is great for complex web apps with lots of customization, while FlutterFlow is ideal for fast mobile apps. Both have free plans, so you can try them before committing. Knowing the strengths and limitations of each helps you make an informed decision that aligns with your development goals.

Don’t want to do it alone? ‍Consider seeking the help of skilled professionals at Idea Link.


Linas Kiguolis

Need some help with No-code?

As a founder of a traditional software development agency Bright Projects and numerous blockchain projects such as Ertha and Spellfire, Linas is the most experienced member of our crew. He provides a critical perspective towards No Code tools and their capabilities, as there are still many fields where they still cannot replace good old coding.

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